Daftar Nama Band Punk Ska Hardcore Skinhead Indonesia
- # 7 deadly sin
- # 90'indopunk
- # a sistem rijek
- # a thousand punch
- # ababil squad
- # abnormals
- # absolute zero
- # accidental killing
- # active non violence
- # addict bastard
- # agenda 45
- # aggrothreat
- # agitators
- # aimee
- # ak47
- # akaliar
- # all was die
- # almost brothers
- # angin sejuk
- # angry kids
- # angry retards
- # anjing geladak
- # another project
- # anthiosis
- # anti bandit
- # anti dollar
- # anti regime
- # anti squad
- # anti system
- # antibiotix
- # antiphaty
- # antiphobia
- # antiseptic
- # anyone lets go
- # apollo 10
- # arabian peanuts
- # ari anggara
- # army style
- # as soon as possible
- # ashes of death
- # asian crust vol.1:indonesia scene
- # atret
- # axtx anjing tanah
- # bad monica
- # bad tunes compilation
- # bad+
- # bahasa bayi
- # bakscherrys
- # bakteri jahat
- # baku hantam
- # balcony
- # bambu runcing
- # banana steady beat
- # bananasstress
- # bandit 88
- # bandung burning
- # bandung crust/trash/d-beat
- # bandung punk's
- # barisan sakit hati
- # baseed hunt
- # battle 98
- # battle for freedom
- # beban mental
- # beer nuts
- # before you get in
- # begundal lowokwaru
- # bejad moral
- # bekas
- # bekasi melodic comp.
- # benang merah
- # bequiet
- # berandal loka jaya
- # berpacu dalam melodic comp.
- # better view
- # between skate and punk comp.
- # biangkerok
- # billfold
- # bionic kangaroo
- # bitter balen
- # black boots
- # black elvis
- # blegidize
- # blind to see
- # bliss together
- # blister
- # blockade
- # bloodstained
- # bloody riot
- # boarding struggle
- # bombardir
- # born in june
- # boys are toys
- # boys of summer
- # BPW
- # brain destroyer
- # brainfool
- # break out
- # breakdown
- # bretel
- # brigade 07
- # brigade of bridge
- # brother oi
- # brutal tragedy
- # brutal youth
- # BTSHCTTN compilation
- # buckskin bugle
- # bunga hitam
- # burger time
- # butterfly effect
- # byar peth
- # cable car romances.#pop punk
- # call me kids
- # caress
- # cartoon stars
- # case 15
- # castaway
- # catherine is gone
- # cause we can
- # caused by melii
- # cekal
- # certainty
- # champ 32
- # chaos hitam
- # chaos kids
- # chaos manuever
- # chaos monarchy
- # chaos r.i
- # chaos sanxsanx
- # chaotic squad
- # charvaka
- # cheapnes
- # chicken men
- # chickenz flafour
- # chicks brain
- # cinta ditolak miras bertindak
- # cinta monyet CxMx
- # cintaXfitri
- # city of sucker
- # class of thirteen
- # close head
- # cloud is back
- # coconut head
- # comeback attack
- # cool blue film
- # cozy republic
- # crash battle
- # crazy lazy
- # criminal vagina
- # crisiz moral
- # cut your dick
- # desalukanegara
- # d'ponis
- # dammed
- # dark terror
- # das capital
- # dead alley
- # dead hitler
- # dead lock
- # dead maya
- # decay
- # deflagrator
- # democrazy
- # demoslecture
- # desperate boys band
- # devadata
- # devil dice
- # dewan jendral
- # dieXfast
- # diktaktord
- # dirty dolls
- # disconnected
- # disconsent
- # discontrack
- # discord
- # discoshit
- # discountdiscont
- # disform
- # disfuck
- # dislaw
- # dismorality
- # disobedient kids
- # distrain
- # distruge
- # djihard
- # docar balap
- # doctor rudolfoo
- # dom 65
- # domestik doktrin
- # don lego
- # dont miss it
- # dream society
- # dummy
- # ejakulasi dini
- # ejakulator
- # enter your puk
- # error brain
- # error crew
- # error without emotion ERWE
- # es coret
- # express natural
- # extreme decay
- # face off
- # failing forward
- # fakk
- # fast crash
- # fatherland
- # feeling 4 friends
- # femau
- # fight alone today
- # final answer
- # final attack
- # final combat
- # final step
- # fingerprint
- # firebird
- # fireyjak
- # first class criminal
- # first time
- # fisticuff 86
- # foodcourt
- # for the truth compilation
- # forgotten generation
- # fortrash
- # foxy roxy
- # frustasi
- # fuckinpeppers
- # fukk bar culture
- # full time skins
- # g-squad
- # gabba gabba
- # game over
- # gamelanoink
- # gangstarasta
- # garis keras
- # gedebac gedebuc
- # gedung runtuh
- # gentle electric kids
- # gerap gurita
- # gerbang singa
- # gerbonk hitam
- # ghetto box
- # gladiator
- # gravebehold
- # green bottle squad
- # green underland
- # grey grace
- # guantanamo
- # gun jack
- # gunblasting
- # gunting kuku
- # h.i.j 21
- # haircuts
- # hamzy chaos
- # hang out
- # hantam rata
- # happy day
- # happy riol forever
- # hard milk
- # hardxcover26
- # hark its a crawling tar-tar
- # hate a haters
- # hate to think
- # havin hell
- # head worker
- # heart of judas
- # heavy monster
- # hell anthem compilation
- # hellcops
- # hellcore
- # hero of rebel
- # heroes all dead
- # hey ho lets compilation
- # hitam pekat
- # hitcock
- # holding attack
- # holyshit
- # homer
- # homicide
- # hope
- # horroh
- # human conflict
- # ibaratSKAta
- # illution of the death
- # imanez
- # imitasi
- # ina subs
- # indonesian punk assault comp
- # infact
- # inikami
- # injak mati
- # injected
- # invalid brain
- # iritasi ringan
- # jangan terlambat
- # jeruji
- # jeruji bastard
- # jet coaster
- # jinah tangan
- # joey the gangster
- # jox pesock
- # jun fang gung foo
- # junkfood for superhero
- # just 4 fun
- # justice in silence
- # justkidd
- # kamar andi
- # kaos kaki makassar
- # kaos kutang
- # kaoSKAki jakarta
- # kawalat
- # kawat berduri
- # kawat karat
- # kebunku
- # kelelawar malam
- # kentrong bunthong
- # keparat
- # kerah putih
- # khaos oblong
- # kick enemy
- # kick it out
- # kick your enemy
- # kids eat shit
- # kingkong hardcore
- # kinthil kibink
- # kisah nyata
- # klassix energix
- # kloset monster
- # kolektor modar
- # komplete kontroll
- # konflik
- # konspirasi 4 anjing busuk compilation
- # kontaminasi kapitalis
- # kontrasosial
- # kopral kobong
- # kowena
- # krasskepala
- # kroia
- # kubu riot
- # kuda besi
- # kuku mungil
- # kultur air
- # kuro
- # larry the lobster
- # last action hero
- # last energi
- # last power
- # last sunset heroes
- # last victim
- # ledge attack
- # leg to decay
- # lenthog riot
- # letters to elise
- # life beyond struggle
- # life for anything else
- # linoleum
- # linoleum record compilation
- # listen2me
- # little revolver
- # little ruthless plan
- # lives and stage
- # lombok rocktimes compilation
- # long beach
- # lontar
- # looking back
- # looserz
- # lose control
- # losing days
- # lost sight
- # lullabeast
- # madu dan racun
- # mahkota jaya abadi
- # manusia buatan
- # marapu
- # marching goals
- # marjinal
- # marQpat
- # martabak keju
- # martyr
- # mary ann
- # matahari
- # mawar berduri
- # mayat baja
- # me and melati
- # mesin diesel
- # mesin tempur
- # message from jessica
- # mighty finger
- # milisi kecoa
- # MKB
- # mlbx
- # molotov cocktail
- # momolicious
- # monicaporgana
- # monkey business
- # mooca caboel
- # moonshine
- # moonstomp
- # morning horny
- # mortal combat
- # mr.grind
- # mutant
- # mutant troopers
- # my first wet dream
- # my name is
- # my pet sally
- # naon
- # natter jack
- # naughty for fun
- # nervous breakdown
- # never again
- # neverall
- # ngeblender jadi satu compilation
- # nice guys finished last
- # nine folds
- # no label
- # no label toraja
- # no man's land
- # no more victim dead
- # no one rules
- # no request
- # nod off
- # noda
- # noin bullet
- # norekkent
- # not delusion
- # not for child
- # not for sale
- # nothing face
- # nothing special
- # nothing to display
- # nu gelo budug
- # nudist island
- # nyiur melambai
- # oi the penalty compilation
- # okaydokay
- # oldstory of promnite
- # one eye open
- # one pocket smilling grass
- # one soul subnormal comp
- # one step forward
- # one voice
- # oppresion head
- # orangebois
- # otak error
- # otak ilegal
- # our time is now
- # out of sex
- # outright
- # overkids
- # oversight
- # pa'ce rasta
- # pak poeng
- # paku payung
- # pandemonium
- # papan luncur
- # parno punk
- # party time
- # pasangxsurut
- # pasukan kulinerd
- # pate celenk
- # pathetic
- # peace or annihilation
- # peluru nyasar
- # pemuda garis depan
- # peopleshit
- # permen
- # permen karet
- # petir
- # piece of cake
- # pinx ponx dash
- # pistol for mom's
- # playing with pets
- # pop is dead
- # porky pig
- # porno star
- # postmen
- # pretty riot
- # primitif
- # primitive chimpanzee
- # proletar
- # prostitution 13
- # proud of freak
- # psychofun
- # punk area
- # punk covers-semarang bands
- # punk klinik compilation
- # punk village compilation
- # punkasila
- # punktat
- # puppen
- # purpose
- # pusink
- # pyong pyong
- # quotthe rootsquot
- # r.j power
- # racun timur menggoda
- # rage generation brothers
- # rajin pangkal pandai
- # rakjat merdeka
- # rally rottens
- # rancuh
- # ratrats
- # rawa bebek berantakan
- # realino resort
- # realitas
- # reason to die
- # rebel brothers compilation
- # rebel youth
- # rebellion rose
- # red label
- # red line
- # reject
- # rejected kids
- # reload
- # remaja tanpa cinta
- # remosis
- # remote control
- # rentenir
- # reprobate
- # republic illegal
- # republik mimpi
- # resist
- # revolt
- # revolushit
- # rhetoric states (1)
- # richard and the gillis
- # ride your rocket
- # right choice
- # riot outta indonesia compilation
- # rise
- # road dog
- # rockavanka
- # rocket rockers
- # rockflames island
- # romantic embrace
- # romi n the jahats
- # rooster fight
- # rosemary
- # rotten to the core
- # rude devils
- # rukie
- # runtah
- # S.O.P.S
- # sally is stupid
- # samestreet
- # sanfranskins
- # sarung sutera
- # satellite
- # save the last president
- # SBY
- # scandal of riot
- # scarymurphy
- # scream of oi
- # screaming factor
- # second changes for better
- # secret weapon
- # segar bugar
- # selokan mataram
- # semboyan 35
- # sendal jepit
- # sepakxterjank
- # sepanjang hari
- # sepanjang hari compilation
- # septictank
- # serigala malam
- # seringai
- # sesat jerat
- # sex fighter
- # sex n roll
- # sex punk
- # sextoy
- # sexy pig
- # shaolin temple
- # shit burger
- # shortpants
- # si kuda besi
- # sick freak people
- # sick off
- # side issue
- # silly riot
- # silly voice
- # sin think
- # siox xix
- # six zero five
- # sixtols
- # ska klinik
- # ska mania
- # ska party
- # skalie
- # skeleton
- # skinhead indo compilation
- # slater
- # sleeping police
- # smoking for good
- # snack oi
- # sneakers
- # snickers and the chicken fighter
- # snip snap snot
- # so much more
- # social distrust
- # something about lola
- # something wrong
- # sosial sosial
- # soul are
- # soul shaker
- # sound off
- # soundxinors
- # spank thru
- # speak up
- # spiky in venus
- # spirit of life
- # spirit sunday
- # sta-prest boys
- # stab in the heart
- # stadium 12
- # stay on
- # stay strong
- # step a side
- # step forward
- # step of core
- # stepping out
- # stiff rebel
- # still one still proud compilation
- # still punk still sucks
- # still reject
- # still virgin
- # stone blind
- # straight answer
- # straight at venue
- # straight on view
- # stranger
- # street punk rockers SPR
- # street voices
- # strength hatred
- # strength of down
- # strength thru
- # strength to strength
- # stronger than before
- # stupid brain
- # stupid kidz
- # stupid like jerk
- # stupid riot
- # stupidity
- # stupidlunatic
- # sub chaos
- # suck-it26
- # suicidal sinatra
- # sumberxagung
- # summer 73
- # superiots
- # superman is dead (indie songs)
- # sweet punch for kids
- # take it back
- # take one step
- # tamsing miring
- # tanda tanya
- # tante gapekol
- # tcukimay
- # teh cellups
- # teh manis
- # tembak mati bandung
- # tembak mati makassar
- # tendangan badut
- # terror distortion
- # tersanjung 13
- # terserah
- # the apathies
- # the army of evil
- # the artificial life
- # the authentics
- # the bahamas
- # the balige
- # the barbiefist
- # the billy rubin
- # the bollocks
- # the bootsuck
- # the borstal
- # the brews
- # the candies
- # the civil disorder
- # the clown
- # the coppers
- # the crash
- # the dissland
- # the duke
- # the end
- # the fishka
- # the frankenstone
- # the frustaters
- # the gags
- # the gamblezz
- # the gameover
- # the gangs
- # the gross
- # the gutter kids
- # the hendriks
- # the hidrasi
- # the hondos
- # the hotdogs
- # the idiot
- # the innocents
- # the jinxz
- # the kerop
- # the kids
- # the kuda
- # the kuraps
- # the lady die drunk
- # the last one
- # the laststand
- # the little rock
- # the longest line
- # the manifesto
- # the marmars
- # the marskal
- # the miskins
- # the mobster
- # the momo
- # the orak arik
- # the oversuck
- # the paps
- # the pestol
- # the piox
- # the playbois
- # the radio
- # the realino
- # the red army
- # the refugee
- # the roof
- # the roots
- # the sabotage
- # the silent
- # the sinners
- # the sounddolls
- # the sucknow
- # the suku dalu
- # the suspender
- # the valid
- # think again
- # thinking straight
- # thousand neddles
- # threshold
- # throughout
- # timeline jogjakarta
- # today is struggle
- # tolerance
- # total banxat
- # total confused
- # total damage
- # total ngehe
- # total straight
- # total vandal
- # totalitas kontrol
- # totalitaz
- # totem zero level
- # tradisi gila
- # tragedi 98
- # train hartnet
- # trendy reject
- # tribute to minor threat
- # triple x
- # true or false
- # try to wake up
- # tulang rusuk
- # tumor ganas
- # turtles jr.
- # tutab unrockstars
- # tv mbledoz
- # UFO
- # ugd 24jam
- # ugly bastard
- # under 18
- # under mother feet
- # united blood
- # uno paso delante
- # unrest
- # unsaid
- # up set down
- # up the bastard
- # utan riot city U.R.C
- # van de skamaveea
- # viking bandung compilation
- # virgin in chaos
- # vital pentols
- # voting crew
- # walking again
- # washtafel
- # water punk
- # way riot
- # west combat
- # whatever
- # white cream
- # wicked suffer
- # wolfgang lotz
- # wrong is right
- # wxfxn
- # xAOTFx
- # xbettermindx
- # xbraveheartx
- # xraincoatx
- # xxl
- # youngster city rockers
- # yunus kicked her nose
- # zahanam
- # zudas krust
- # zxexuzi
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